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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana • Page 1

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana • Page 1

The Tribunei
Seymour, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i IWI1 i 4. ks voLuirn ZLn 73 -J SEYMOUR, INDIANA WEDNESDAY, MARCII 25, 1925. PRICE THREE CENTS y. -jit n. 'j.

Pursuit Planes of Army Have JYinter Maneuvers' LEGII IMS HOT JfMi'iSjcMoieiioa 1 i HfllSHEO 001 EIIGEI1 ME 2 9irlenn Pniintu In lnnrl litii; ninii wiun. ncai i i Tuesday's' Efforts Secure $f00 of Nfght Rains Bring Wabash; Hfcfter the Local Qubta of $1,750 Through and Tent bwellcrs Are Compelled .1 1 fal9 from Load Of Hay And Petty Court -itt Cprydwv With Gilbert Accompanying 4 Legion; and Auxiliary iMj-J to Seek Safer Territory. 1 -1 1 1. 1 FLOODS QUlCltLT SHERIFF ORDERS HIS ARREST CANVASSERS WELL RECEIVED ILLINOIS RELIEF GOES 0M DEATH FOLLOWS i i Thii la tbe first pursuit unit of the Friends Confident He Had Nothlno ta Task Proves Too, Great for One Day Work Has Now Reached Rural Peo- armyr atr Mnrlce of 8elIrlJg field Mcd up on th lc darjnc th winter: manearertN In Michigan. Dunh Inmln skids tooK the placs of wheels.

The maneuvers were pronounced en Urely snccessfuL Accident About Thrf) Uiles North-Veit Of Cortland Leayes Widow Do With Killkifl of Woman By Auto oil Highway. and Work Will Be Finished Securing Quota. pie With Red Cross in Sole Charge of Stupendous Task. And Three Chidren. REIIEIVEO; REPORT JURY ABSOLVES An approximate estimate 'of the J.

C. Vance, residing on 607 West Jackson street, was taken to Corydon, I By International News Service. Princeton," March 25. Henry Naffer' well-known farmer mile and a balf north west of Coriland died of ininrics money contributed Tuesday toward Ind- this inornfnirtrr John K. Hor- thei American Lesion Endowment Prophecies that the Wabash and FINK EOF CAL1PIII6 6R0UIIDS COIICERiiSCUMP ILWE Fnnd showed that about $1,200 had Ohio Rivers had reached their high-'' been- collected -by members of the I est Hood point and would begin to Ihi morning at78t30 Vlook which sheriff Harrison eounty, he bad sustained-; fifteen minutes where he is slated in a justirt of earlier when he fell off of, a load of the, peace court on a charge of hT and bis neekiwas broken, lie was transportation of liquor.

It is nn- local Legion post and the Legion subside today were shattered when- 4. ft. I t. 1 1 .7.1.1. auxiliary.

xae posi naa inienaea i mui iai mm uu cun- making an 'intensive 'drive; lasting 'I tinned till early this' 'morning. 'The rendered Unconscious by tho fall I dertod that his arrest Is also made I Army Officials Appreciate Action 0 Belief Expressed That Receivership Out Thirty Minutes After Argument and never I to allow further investigations con- twelve hoursutwinKlo' theTTact townruf Griflurrwhich hasr beoir sur- Re that the quota of $1,750 was hot rounded by. the; flood waters for the nrnnhoJ anJ k.f Ik. k.J I two flnvj van in im.oto. Jan.

Council CommunJcatlon ceived by Kessler. by Attorneys in Trial oil Charge of Liquor Transportation. May Result In Extension of Una East From Westport I i lit. Naffe and sons, Edward and eernins; the death of Mrs. Harrison Xlfredf tad gone to ynotbcr form Voys, aged about 63 years, resid-bont two miles northwest of the ingone quarter mile east of Pal-borne blace.

also owned bv him. to myra, in the 'north edge of been thoroughly canvassed tho drive Ifr of being inundated as the water will continue for; several! days, un- continued to rise. Farmers who til the entire' amount of the appro- have been living irij tents, in the SCHOOL ARMY OFFICER TO COE HERE BRANCH R0, PROFITABLE ATTENDANCE. CASES get a load' of The wagon bad Harrison county, who was struck been-loaded and the three men. were and almost instantly kiUed by an tying it down wiih- a pole unknown motorist one and one-hajf priation is raised.

Western part of the village, since In view of the fact that many of the; recent tornado practically razed the were not available I the were forced to 'seek. preparatory to taking it horn. east or raimyra on the Dixie Walsh's Old Favorite Said to Have Judge Cox Appoints Receiver For clock Sun- Would 'Simplify Matters By Locat for- canvarfBing TuesflaV and that I higher ground. Medical and food Naffe was nn the top jot the load atpwhway shortly after. 4 o'i there was a limited number of supplies are' being ferried in small Earned 20 Per cent While Other Infl Another Site Besides Shields s.

Crolhersville PlantBrinkman Fined $200, 80 Days on Farm teams, in the field, the drive brought boats to the civilians and the troops Park for Troops Enroute. Parts Were Losing. very gratifying results and post of- Onmn.1 tn rear or the. wagon woen the ay aiiernoon. boom slipped, it is understood, and Vance arrested 'here late be lost his balance, falling back- Tuesday afternoon by local police at wards to the ground 'about twelve the request of Sheriff Morris who feet or more below, landing head telegraphed Chief Hiseb that be had downward at his sons' feet a justice of the peace warrant for ficials and C.

D. Billinirs. president I Three olfier small "towns" along the of the First National bank, eeneral banks of the Wabash are in danger The placing osthe Chicago, Mil A jury in Jackson circuit court on Action of the city council in vot chairman of the expressed I beinrf submerged by the rising Tuesday afternoon returned a' ver waukee St. Paul Railway in re His sons saw instantly that he his Arrest on a charee of transDor-lwS to open bhields park to troops ineir great appreciation lor tne lib-1 waier ioaay. ana iae innaoiuuiis are ceivership last week has revived the dict of not guilty iii the trial of erality of local citizens who contrib- Imoving' to higher ground.

Hovey Irom rort penjamm as a camping was seriously injured and made nation. He was lodged in the jail site while enroute to Camp Knox. uted toward the Endowment, Fund. I ftnd ebh's erryj lnd and East- haste to sumfnon J)r Shields here during the night. Sheriff, Mor-of tnis eity, but before he could ar-Iris left for Corydon with his prison- rumor that the company's line may be extended frOm Westport eastward to Cincinnati, and perhaps during May was highly appreci- In numerous instances' business I wod Ill.t are tho threatened, com John Finke of this city on a charge or transportation of liquor.

The case went to the jury about 4:30 o' after bis arrival "ted rwy officials at Fort Harn houses contributed generously andloranities. rive at the scene Mr. Naffe had ex-ler a few minutes farther. i be ridinff in a I son, according to al communication he ridinf clock and the verdict was reported the fund swelled raoidlv through the 'k Ihere. Vance and.

deceaeed'was born in Nash tourimr car dwned bv the ved. by Mayor Charles L. Kess day. t. uenton, zo.

With re- the fact that thei Indiana branch of M. and Mrs. W. Eacrleston. el work placed solely in the hands' to Judge Cox at 5 J.5 Finke as arrested here early in" October by local police near the Blish miH and it was charged.

that one pint liquor was taken from his' automo the company haw proved profitable proprietors of the Majestic theatre, ot the American Red Cross and re when otJier partswere losing money. have offered as their contribution construction well way in N. Y' JuTy 20, 1862 and "mover with prisoner. They were- accompanied ler In response to a telegram sent bis parents to Bartholomew by Raymond president of there by, local, olHcials atating thnt when six years pf age. He continued the local B.

of fl, who will ap- Shields park would be available to to reside Bartholomew county nn- pear with Vance in the justice of the The communication was til 1009 whan ha. moved Jo Jackson peace court and arrange provision written by Hugh First is -stated the Indiana branch toward the fund the proceeds of the (Southern Illinois tornado-torn cities. into the coal section paid a profit of 2d per net last year while the bile. The defendant was discharged fallowing report of the matinee next Monday' afternoon, efforts were directed today toward Mrs. Eagleston stated that there will rural rehabilitation throughout1 the iTwo school violation be a special feature nioture showinc I entire atom area.

company's prize) section, fin the far west, in the Puffot Sound section at that time and it is hoped bv the I At-Jfnrphysboro, ihe burden of all (ConUnned on paga 8, eoloma 3) at brownstown cases Were heard in ciuii court tbis. One wa aginstThomas made a'nraei pooiw shownigTwhef American Legion that there is wlief jroiiatTdto of Ranee's bond, it is said. Vance Lieutenant the Third rleld Artil-is a member of the local order of bjTf 'f -lba, BxoUiMlioo4.ot,Jlailway Train- iLjcHtehaptj Conrey bajfJeArned OX tain. f' the jnitial -action of the cityi'connctl Friends i.o Vance i assured of to loseaho park to the troops this his innocence and" do not believe With the idea of locating a that he was the man who ran down eP wte another part of the city Mrs. Vovles east of Palmrra and oc In his letter, he stated population is more sparse and where McCory, of Brownstown?) township.

large attendance at the perfom-ls-WW" fa otncially ahifted' from the company. spent vast sums in ance, as HIS WUI HOI only assist in out-icurs mo ivcu truna The defendant p'ead guilty and was fined $10." The. other- case was SpeaJcers Pren). State and National electrifying its system, swelling the Endowment Fund but at a mass meeting of civilians It vis claimed that, the receivership will give individuals who have not rescue rewS: and announcement was Organlutlons Deliver tarn- ir wt Addresses. against; Fletcher'; Stafford, aJso iof Brownstown to wnship on a charge of not sending, bis -child to.

schooL will place' the company in position to then sped He is said to have that realizes that there may be aireaay comriDuiea lowara tne iunaimaue iuui uuuuiairauve uiunm an opportunity to assist In this way. for the tri-state operations would this make needed additions, and improve pojecuonabie. leatures aoout ments. In this connection it is He. plead not guilty, and wilt have al Canvassers were, well received by I1 established at Murphy troops camping in the park and al business men and other citizens and Branches will be set up? in each' pointed out that tone of.

the projects it has been (ultimately decid 'X raeetWoi representatives of h9 n00" the churcbO in Brownstown Baptist shortly after 5 clock p. m. on association: was held at Brownstown Sunday, haying visited local Representatives were pres- parages at those hours to have some hu. repair work, done on his automobile. garages at those hours to have somejed.

hearing plater. Both suits were brought foy the attendance ther were hpartilv in nvmnnthv wifh stricken citv and village where staffs irr contemplation is the extension of allow the troops the park, it the movement on the part of the Le- of trained workers wll be the Indiana branch of the company officer, as required by the state law may be better to locate a suitable from Westport to Cincinnati as an Kion to, care for the World War livery disaster sufferer in the stnek- governing his duties. it is said. It is also that te in the of the co roT anu orphans and disabled ex-service areas was guaranteed individual eastern outlet. This branch, from In the suit of the Central Supply ik I was.

seen in Jiruaieyiown si a ciock mea." They agreed that it was not belp byllenry M. Paker, Red Cross Bedford to Westport, is known as Company, of Indianapolis, against funeral, which was held in the Bap Iua ouiiuaj Biirrnuuu. i is uui I -a 4 thought plausible that Vance, could vty courteous letter received by the old Maekey, and later John R. only the duty of the legionnaires to director. "The Red "Cross tist church st Brownstown A today, meet this moral obligation btft it was never leave until this is done," Walsh, section, and is getting the the Columbus Machine Works, asking for a Charles W.

Bard was appointed receiver by Judge have driven to. and fronr Palmyra, Mayor Kessler: i the afternoon session was omitted. just as much the duty of every citi- he about fift miles from Sevmour. in I telegram regarding our benefit of Walsh's foresight and is said to be earning 20 per cent, on its ine opening aaaress mis luoruinR i 4. zen to assist in performintr this At West 'franMort, 30y rpre- Vox and oruerea io mate an uvem- Tvi isacn unei suuee til uuicen ivnuiwiug uunraa work.

Post officials expressed their sentatives of Southern Illinois towns- ory and appraisement of tb pro --VZ'lot the B. of R. T. have conferred thU afternoon (the letter being dat tremendous coal business. It is said by some, to be the greatest soft belief that the remainder of the conferred and similarly placed the fund would be secured within a very responsibility of rehabilitation, with perty of the company at Crothers uH -3ZZ7 -ith as have! numerous other ed March 24).

We certainly themtfvo was 'Intercessory' fiends here, and his explanation of aje the interest you have shown in eoal road in 'the country and extension to Cincjnniti, it is pointed the Red Cross. A crew of fifty wel short time. In the suit of the Travis Carter Prayer." His address was followed nu nereaDoms xune oi ine wuW.H-r fare 1 worker was. ordered "tor. West Company against Caroline Stahl and out, would give the coal field it covers an eastern outlet, i AMERICAN LEGION MAY Frankfort.

htf't'-'-tW' vj others, finding wanade fOr the by WHaPhillipsrof -the (Continued paga, column 4 SSBi diana Harbor She told the story rnniincr Ktiurs wnnm nrsr u. BE WITHOUT COMMANDER Today a caravan was touringithe It is believed that the proposed plaintiff and judgment, rendered for entire storm area in the three states. $961.20 and hep foreclosed. new railroad from Elnora to Evans-ville is a C. St.

P. proposition. of tho work which is being done for Washington Club Goes Out of Exist jit consisted oi a carrying Walter Brinkman, of this city, Inetfrby residents, so can locate foreigners in northwestern Indiana complete commissary and sleeping charged with manufacture and sale ence Drains Membership in It Is He Now Qualified? A business session; Wusring the Glve rlnancial Writer. Appointment a suitable camp site' in the outskirti of liquor, found guilty on two J. MANF0RD SUMNER ENTERS'.

REPUBLICAN MAYORALTY RACE work of the churches in this asso-r uver.aenaie uojecuon. 'f mobiles followed the train, By International News Berrice. TU 1 11 -t xL (Continued on page 2, column 3J. ejation, iras led brDistrict Superin. loweoma raiuer uo soiian lenaent 0.

Mitchell, of North Ver- international News Service. cAuse any complaints. i. n- -ILL inaianapoiis, iuarcu ipe hnniiIyi nf w-ii-, Seeks Nominationon' Platform -losintt--address of -4he IVasJiiflgtonJWrcjo BORDEAUX EXPRESS Americangipnmayj)e IN FATAL WRECK national commanaer temporarily i ang Honesty and RJaht Dolnft Young-4 v4 est of Candidate monrfng was made by Rev. A.

A- dent CooUdge took another thrust at inoitr sometime soon, with the ui-Cohn! of fieymourr who-spoke on the givjng a recess ap- tention of looking, i over; any Education." pointment to Thomas Woodlock, pectiye site. As, say, we had a result of the National nress Club Senator Dobidou Killed And Forty Post, of Washington, D. pussing TEAPOT INVESTIGATION This evening atereoptican views of lew York-linanciar writer, as mem- iriiciy owdoii outof existence, it was learned at SWINGS INTO LAST LAP 1 1 j. maniora numner, son oi jut. and Mrs.

W. C. Sumner, 305 West national headquarters. I he ques Baptist work in Indiana, will be pre tion was raised as to whether Famoi.s Trial Exoected To Reach Injured When Fast Train Near Benoit is Derailed. Br International News Bervlee.

Poitiers, France, March 25, The ber of the Interstate commerce com- w.giwuiiu umn iurause any mission. trouble about using the park. But Beth' in the regular and extra' ses- want to include Seymour on our irion: the Senate, because of onoosi- niy as we have always enjoyed sented by Mr. Mitchell and Dr. Stockley will speak again at the evening session.

uonai vommanaer urain, no was a Afternoon memoer oi me. oeiunci posi, couiui Fifth street, has announced his candidacy for mayor subject to the Republican primary election, to be held in May. Mr. Sumner, who is twenty-three years old, is the youngest of the mayoralty candi In Court At Cheyenne. tion of southern Democrats, refused vxsits there very much." legally continue to head the death toll in.the; wreck of the Bordeaux Express today, was increased Democrats zation.

CLARESCE DARHOW to confirm Woodlock Bv Kiiwa Rmrwntk. i HAS VIEWS! demanded that the vacancy on the According to Legion officials herf, if- otk- COUNTY MEETING OF RED MEN HERE MARCH 28 to six when railroad officials an dates. commission be given to a man from Says No Better Than It the South. In his announcement he says "It Class of Pale Faces. Will Be Given nounced that five uniden-tifled bodies.

Senator Pfdobidou was the sixth 1 victim. Forty, were seriously injured.1; was' with some hesitation that I entered the f. primary but after due Was 10tCC3 Tears Ago is Bitter In Denouncing Women, District of Columbia Legion beads DomS Equity suiVthe most contend that Commander Dram can- momentous: oil litigation ever in-not continue in office under the c.r- Btituled in the United States, swnng eurastances. NaUonal beadfluaxte Mo it laflt todty a8 qeorge P. was attempting to reach he nation- Hooyerof Washington, and Martin al commander at Kansas Iittleton, of New York, defense where he was expected to arrive to- of kr and day with National Adjutant Russull of mpectively, in Creviston.

's ne tt Riniir'a TWaii. Degrees by Chicalceith and The Paxlnosa i 1 1.1... A '-n'1. RED CROSS RELIEF. French 'soldiers returping from Bjr International News consideration I feel I may capably meet- any Tor "all conditions- with which I may be confronted." Morocco rescued a wealthy unidentified Spaniard drowning when Boston, Mar.

5J0 A gloomy pic- rMa A watKson county meeung ot Ked ture of was painted wil1 be held at. the. Knights of Summer, who is a graduate two of the; seven derailed coaches rolled into the river "Oalnr of the Indiana School for the Blind Membership of the JashHigton l0th Qil Cpmpanyf and Gwen j. at Indianapolis, said he has made a study of city government the govern post ineludeasueh notables as Gen. Roberlg pIanned to John J.

Pershing, Theodore Roose- ment.g eage jn 4 ummi summing Br InUrnatlonal News. Servle. Poitiers, France, March 25 Five up late by aarence 8. TJarrow, Chicago at- ,0 of 80uthwe3terB indianft re- armorjron Norths Chestnut J-torneWao defended I)eband Jo S. Mills, treasurer BeV when a class Leopold, In an interview today.

Here of the local chapter of lheRed CrosB( pala faces wilW)e given the wort is the picture: are a8 follows: Chicakeith tribe of this city will "Civilisation is becoming top- 4 confer the women's degree and F. C' B. Paxinosa, 430 of Brpwnstown, will "Soma "tlay a frightful cataclysm Friend hay charge bf the7chief degree." The will overtake society and civilizar S. $3 speaker in charge will be Elmer R. and Vice President Dawes.

were" killed, including Senator Dobi this afternoon. and civic affairs. His he said, would be one of honest and right doing with the view of making the city" It was declared defunct March 15, when records showed it held less dou and forty seriously injured when the Bordeaux- Paris bound, than" fifteen memberships, local, le possible. derailed near St. Benoit at 2, a.

m. The locomotive seven gionnaires explained. tion will trample. Westinster Ouild of First Pres Harmon, deputy Great Sachem, of $3 1 New Albany, and other notables are "Tonight at 7:30 at the First Meth "Man is still a savage at heart i Dyienan cmircn Rnd women are" greater potential William 'Schobert Hoover will discuss the fundamental, principles of law applicable to the issues "at stake, while Littleton's oratory is expected to center around an attack upon Congress as result of that body's action in demanding the annulment of a lease which he will argue, which was consummated under an act passed Jy -the legislative body itself. Early Brownstown-Vallonla Bus Now leaves 7:00 p.

to. instead of ears overturned and two of the cars rolled down a ravine, into the river Clain killers thea men, for under emotional stress they arc more likely to strike Friend expected to atteijd. $2 Tribes which will be at the meeting 3 will be Chicakeith 405, of this city, $1 Paxinosa" 430 of Brownstown, Shon- $1 gofongo 490, of Station, and The Express left Bordeaux at out blindly" to steal or murder than Ed Scherber 10 :10 o'clock last night and. was due in Paris at 8:11 a. m.

today. odist "church the pastor will explain "The Lord's Supper," going into detail with explanation of "Tran-substantiation." Holding the whole substance of the bread and of the wine is pot converted into the body and the blood of Christ. Everyone invited. Mlt men. Friend And you can put this Friend, Society isn't a bit better than it Friend 1 $0 Sheboygan 515 of Sparksville.

plans called for the allotment of 7:30 p. m. KJy m25d- Central Garage. 4 Candy Candy, Saturday, March 28, next to Gold Mine. Christian church girls.

m27d sTIp's Yellow Taxi. Any time anywhere. Phone Residence 67, Tip tf Notice Bed Men. Members are requested to meet at two hours time to Iloover and one hour to Littleton and a similar was in tne Jungle ten thousand years Friend 50oi See the Sand Cave at the Indoor period to Roberts, which would bring the famous trial to a close late tiiU hall Wednesday at 8:00 for drill practice. I Mark ago.

Total 48.oO If air, B-T room, March 30-April .4, Darrow came here to-debate With -jbencfit of Success Company, Uni- Scott Total, $087.50 form Rank, Ivnigbts of Pythias. very grave. O'Connor a23J afternoon. Bros. m23d II.

Sprengcr C. of H..

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