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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 4

The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 4

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
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THE EVENING EEPUBLIOAH, COLUMBUS, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1922. raxni TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE. rIE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanlcy- THE EVEIIIIIG REPUBLIC All SNOW BOUND IN "MONKEY CAGI" EXPERIENCE OF RELIEF WORKERS Altera Exec, ted. return to their old homes in foreign countries. What is true "of this field will be true, in some measure, of all other fields The ranks of the unemployed are frightfully swelled at a critical time.

What can be the issue? Nothing but loss and waste in any event. "Mr. observes a contemporary, "says the operators loaded up 1 Republican Northeast Corner at Flftn and Washington 8t. n-trance. Southeast Corner.

First Floor. We are autHorlzed to announce the name of Ira Ervin as a candidate for Trustee of Rockcreelc Township, subject to the Republican primary. May 2- We are authorized to announce the name of Wardall W. Strock. as candidate for Trustee of Clay Township, sub-iect to the Republican primary.

May 2. i We are authorized to announce the name of Tilman F'ulp, as candidate for Trustee of German Township, subject to the Republican primary. May 2. We are authorized to announce the Catered as Second-class Matter at the TERMS OF gVBSCRlPTtOir 15c Par Week, delivered by carrier- BT MAITj. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE name of Thomas A.

Smith, as a candi- the market at strike-scare prices and now welcome the suspension as 1 a means of keeping them up. He will find plenty of consumers-to agree with Outslde of Indiana; per month60c I oate for Trustee or uolumbus Township. e.VV 1 vuujcvv lu ivcyu liitxi jnajr OaUide of Indiana, per year. (By Associated Press) car and hot, food is difficult to obtain Rezhoff, Russia, April 12. An at' any -of the Russian stations.

American who had spent four days Russian cars, in the winter, are and nights in a poultry car on freight Piratically airtight. The only way to train, held up by a Dakota blizzard ien a window is to break one. Af-; or had been trapped ty a snowstorm ter 1 a few hours, therefore, the gen-i for an equal length of time in a trav- eral atmosphere resembles that of a eling monkey cage, would have some monkey cage whose keeper forgot to idea of experiences sometimes en- it since the winter previous and countered this winter by American -into It his is poured smoke from pipes, relief workers and other travelers cigarettes, cigars, fumes from alco-fror Riga to Moscow. bo1 stoves and from spluttering can- In the summer an "express" ached- no-electric lights nor ule averaging about 48 hours is Tnain- nd the travelers brmg their tained between Riga and the Russian cn'es; I captial but in the winter when snow own drifts into the cuts and zero cold and 00,1 Hie tnp in. adt WITHIN THE STATE! him in that opinion.

But why, if they We are authorized to announce the One 5.00 Three Months IJ-Z .45 name of Wynn Thompson, as candidate believed that to be the game, did tMe Ux Months 2.60 one Montn Postpage Prepaid by Publisher miners co-operate with it- by strik ror xrustee oi itocKcreex lownsnip, subject to i the Republican primary. Brown. May 2. Vatabltahed 1877 tar. Isaac T.

ing? R. 8. Brown. and Proprietor. ENxSiCHT WATCHMAN JSW.

SANW OOE HEMDRltKS COME I I WMMMlfa DOWN FROM THE. SOCIAUZJ if BM Ml WlWJjtU HE- KNEW WHY ON PE T- MM 1 Why, indeed! And is the practical idealism so splendidly exemplified at i We are authorized to announce the name of J. A. Wilson, as a candidate for Trustee of Sandcreek Township. nilgHmaT fW AHHOCIATBTI PUBIS.

uul.e a a. tea A v.1 It alvalv the Washington conference inapplica the' Republican primary. ntiUed to the use for republication of Jef t. to all news dispatcnes creaitea xo ii or makes it almost impossible to keep- SUW' ies usf 'uiin KUSSia. and hi nrdinarv Irnvolino- lnirL ble to domestic industrial -problems And if so, again-why? up steam in tne leaKy woouDiirning i not otnerwise creaitea ims paper and also the local news published here- fn.

ADVISORY BOARD. We are authorized to announce the name of Edgar Trotter as a candidate locomotives the trip runs anywhere uu vua uumi, from 70 to 100 hours, most of which -S a re Sl? buttered that the Kt -t, -a-ou' Passengers have to stand edgewise TELEPHONE 88 OR 61 ror Trustee or Clay Township, subject to the Republican primary. May 2. fnr ict movp jyi- t-u- putir. rctt.iueii GENOA CONFERENCE.

The seating of the Russians in the One or. two'r "through cars, gener- into their compartments and stay ally without upholstery but reason- there. The bunks for sleeping are six ably clean at the start of the voyage, feet long and three feet wide. With are operated on the bi-weekly trains. sevn in ORe compartment three of They are compartment cars, having the I hnnks h.

tw economic conference at Genoa was the greatest single step toward world Political Announcements wide stability that has been taken Fine feathers make sad birds the bills come in. 4a dozen or so little rooms with sleep- ROni rarh since the cessation of hostilities in the STATE REPRESENTATIVE a authorized to announce the No one appreciates the peril of mo ing bunks for four or two persons. Crowd ins to this exlent, hnwwr. i world war, almost four years ago. It nam nf Wilbur Pruett as a candi On one-recent trip the average was not icorariloii.

When it does occur, wo- date for the Republican was done; with the unbounded purpose Representative from Bartholomew I K.iBMMt to the will of the of allowing Russia to take its seat seven persons to each four bunk com- men passengers faint, windows are toring, like thepedestrian. The tax collector can make almost; any business pay. Skirts couldn't get shorter any longer, so they may-get longer shortly. A man will stand out in the sun and voters. I once morf in the conference' of nations partment in which its occupants cook- broken, open and the atmosphere re-ed, ate and.

slept all the" way to Mos- lieved, generally about the third night cow. There is, of course, no dining out. i and contribute its share to the eco We are authorized to announce the nam nf Vmnk A. AldentlUKen Of JBCKi 30 More Tire Miles Guaranteed! nomic and political harmony that is soi son Township-as a' candidate for the nomination of representative, subject fish because it is too hot to go in church. necessary if we are not to return once more to the unsatisfactory state when to the Republican primary.

May 2. ARBUCKLE WANTS These. days, all roads lead to roam. The man who sings his own praises JUDGE OF 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT each nation was isolated by trade and for oolr 40e pr tira. Tir4f eoWiMw Squid that paa-Inlai tfaa rubber, rastoria lifa and whnaai to eld Uraa and maawriiia new onaa.

Apply with braab. Dries infatlr. Protects tire aaint daatnictrve alemaata ia anew and rain. Prevents tires dryins out while car ia stored. One treatment guaraoteea up te 30 more or moaay refunded.

Other Motor Club Products iffliiiiiiiiiiil llglliiillllll doesn't get an encore. Wo are authorized to announce that social wans mat toon a itenaissancc xxr rinniiitr will be a candidate to wreck A wile on hand is worth two at ACQUITTAL VOTE for Judge of the Bartholomew Circuit the movies. But that the nations of Europe Court, on tne ttepuDiican utmui. ouu-lect to the approval of the voters at Mixing drinks doesn't cause as much should admit Russia is not enough. trouble as mixing drunks- Shellac Fire Fiter Tirw-Life By so doing they have placed Russia the primary.

May 2. 1922. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. It wasn't much of a picnic in the Motor-Enaaael Repairfaamal NeatafootOU Sprina-Ufe BodT4jDater CupwCreaaa on her honor to respect the rights of Cuahion-Dr Brake-Renew Varretfind Mecaanie-Soap a par-Oil Mohair Top-Draa Leather Top-Drea Carboa-RemoTer tBy Associated rress San Francisco. April 12.

Defense ark. with only two ants. -We are authorized to announce that Radiator-Cement Mctai-Brita Some people put a nickel in the col A. Conner is a candidate lor tne republican nomination for prosecuting attorney. the representatives from the other nations seated at the conference.

The. Russian delegates started off on the counsel will not be satisfied with dismissal of the manslaughter charge Auto Soap Washington. D. April 12. Authority would be given "judges of federal courts on the application of the attorney general to appoint receivers to dperate coal mines in which operations had been suspended, under) a bill introduced today by Representative Iluddleston, democrat, Alabama! lection plate and expect it to buy a golden harp.

gainst Roscoo Arbuckle in the event Motor-Club Laboratorlt. Chicago Willi' Largat Llm cAuti PnJuak There are lots of vacant places in county auditor wrong foot the first nve minutes tney jail-that should be filled. We are authorized to announce, the were officially on the floor by raising that the jury for the third time is unable toagree. This was the announcement of Gavin McNab, chief defense counsel made this morning. Nothing Lots 'of them have bought bathing ndidate for "the a demand that Rumania and JJapan be sutts, but haven't had a chance to A trir nf RnrtholomeW nnt cootfirl TVti a cVia GrntrVt in V-P-PTl have their pictures made yet.

New York, April 12. GJavernment intervention to force bituminous operators iuto a conference with min County, subject to the Kepubllcon prl- tgi(Je doorB two of the allied Mar 2. short of a definite verdict would suffice him, he said. London has one-cent cigars. So have we, but they cost more than that.

Jnaiiuus wuu iiau luugui swc uy biuc iu tho finish- whil she. Russia' was eri- McNab was scheduled to complete Why not spend more oh public ers is the only way to a settlement i bf the coal strike, Phillip Murray, vice-president of the international union, his argument seeking acquittal for the We are authorized to announce the infa fanatical chase after a so- works' and less on public Workers? A bald-headed man with wire whisk film comedian of responsibility for the death of Miss Virginia Kappe, film Iambus Township, as a candidate for cialistic chimera. It was a poor begln- declared today, i A Goaranteed Product For Every Auto Nefd tbe nomination ror MerlfT.VKii, nine, and one which has not served to ers can't see anything so very wonder ul about nature. actress. Leo Freedman was expected mew county, iudjbci IT primary.

May a. 1S22. Chicago, April 12. -Wiliam E. Hull, bring her into the good graces of the nations.

I Her next false step was the Everymarried man knows a stitch to close the argument for the prosecution and it was considered probable "wet" candidate for the republican in time is a surprise. SAWIN GARAGE CENTRAL GARAGE nomination for congressman from the announce the challenge to France over the arma- that the case would be in the hands of the jury by 5 o'clock this after ICth district this afternoon, increased name of James C. oi oiu--- mem qupsuou, aiiu sue was very yiuy his lead over Congressman lrelan, noon. "dry," gaining a safe margin." onrBoXPKScorder -of BarthTlomew erly told, though in not so many County, aubject to- Kepubllcan primary, words, that 'lktle children should be May i. 1922.

seen and not heard and that they RIPPLING RHYMES. (By Walt Mason.) START MAIL SERVICE We are authorized to announce the should be grateful for all small favors 4 Copyright 1922 Geo. Matthew Adams tinma of William MUir. x.wvi-. TO SOVIET RUSSIA Germany, the composite head of the Township, aa candidate tor Recorder, SPRING FASHIONS NO BOTHER TO RUSSIANS, Hydra which shook the world into such a state of frenzy eight years 'ago, ublect to KepuDiicaa primary.

l2i THE PROCESSION. is also jseated on the floor on equal COUNTY SHERIFF The roads are black with motor 4 By Associated Press Washington, April; 12. The post- ifr 4 aiithnrlznri to announce the terms with the other nations of the cars, they re whizzing all the day; name of Norris E. Gannon, of Columbus (By. Associated Press) and some are glittering like stars eniMntA fnr tinmina- I iwU-.

office department lias entered into an agreement British postal au and some aTe dingy gray; some driv tion for sheriff of Bartholomew County. Quite unlike that of Russia, but she is Odessa, April 12. Spring fashions thorities for the. delivery of regular ers smoke their fine cigars and some tIo not bother the women of Odessa UWS5 lo 106 "p0" ever on the alert for the main chance mail matter an. parcel post packages are smoking hay.

I watch the long They have no new fashion journaJs nor cloth with' which to make new procession pass it never has an; end; to various Russia, it was announced today btY, first assistant post by day and night men press the gas, dresses. Women sometimes have a hat nr Hhnriir of Bartholomew l.the -main chance to lie in close har- master of parcels, con- more speed" and pep to lend, and from and a few yards of rough cloth i to taiing clothing mostly, are-being for County. subject to the Republican pxi- mony with othef sovereign natiofi4 mary, xaay i. jszz. I -mw, innVoi.

im.l tne norns or tin or brass the waiimg themselves. warded each week-" and according to honks ascend. How many cars, I ask Underclothing is an unknown quan w. in to announce ine i i i iun my aunt, would leave the big parade reports received; here, ,75 per cent, of the packages are. being delivered to fTf miumbua "Hie tity.

So are stockings-for the unlucky mm for sheriff of Bartholo- is exDected to be heard in her dor- how many fans would gallivant, if Women who have cloaks or furs wear those to whom they were addressed. mew County, subject to the -tepuoiican fatr 9.1922. I "eI Little money Is being sent to Rus them in-day-time but at night leave them home. If they did not they would all their debts were paid? A million cars- that chug and 'pant from this blithe scene would fade. If it were I aiiu Vjei ill a.

ii is uiie ui uiuac ua- Always A Democrat The report has come to me several times that I was seen driving my car last campaign on which was posted a Warren G. Harding poster. the benefit of those who are spreading this report; I will say that I do not own an automobile.1 The person referred to was Miss Minnie Snively, op- erates the Tea Room on Third street. I am the widow of E. D.

Snively, and for the last fifteen years have had a private boarding house on Lafayette avenuePrior to my marriage I. was Miss Mabel Prosser. i I am a Democrat now, and have been one always as were all the Prossers. Respectfully yours, MABEL PROSSER SNIVELy. Candidate for County Recorder at the primary, May 2, on the Democratic ticket.

we are auinonzea 10 aimuuiico be robbed in the darkened streets sia, it was Decause it naa been found to be impossible to pur ir.Hob!ioiL of Harrison by the Jaw decreed that men who People who go to the theatre travel township, as a candidate for Sheriff of the United States to drop in for a chase needed supplies there: The pos- dodge their bills were not allowed Bartholomew Jounty, BUDjeci uw re miKlliiati mlmav-v IVfav 2. 1922. in cars to speed along the vales and nomewaras in groups ior protection. This lack of clothing hits very hard Ltal system throughout Russia was said to be functioning in a fairly satis ul iue wunu. cue lettis iiictL iiuuui hills, the traffic would be light, in the younger girls.

One of them said to the "I should like to 8oW yoice of Uncle Sam joining deed, and void of present thrills. For factory manner, though about 25 per cnt. of mail matter has failed of de-livSTy because -of inability to locate fnr ahorlfr nf Bartholomew County, in with p-lndsnmf ohlipan the con men Will burn old John Ds. juice go abroad, if only to get' nice clothes. though credit fall apart; they owe the RePubltcn ri" ferencej will come to naught and she is very much in earnest in her desire those it was intended for.

butcher for a goose, the baker for tart; and yet they're scorching like A Good Word for Him. wnaii that it succeed. Of all the na the deuce, each in his buzz-buzz cart the He name of Qeorge. Fulp of Columbns tions engagea in tne wona striie sne 1 ITans Schmidt was reputed to be meanest man in the neighborhood, died. His body was placed in Townshin.

as a candidate for Treasur er of Bartholomew County, subject to the I hold joyriding should be done when all our debts are paid, our creditors should have their mon, the bills should be defrayed, then we may let is perhaps the most anxious to get upon her feet, and she is working harder to reach that end than are any grave, and, according to an old Penn Republican primary. COUNTY COMMISSIONER our wagons run, the ghsts of con of the other nations, -with the excep sylvania German custom, the people stood around the open grave, waiting science laid. We are authorized to announce the nama of rhristian Probst, as a candi tion, perhaps, of little Belgium, Her for someone to say some good thing main trouble is with, her exchan date for commissioner of the Third district, subject to the Republican about the deceased before filling; the which makes it impossible for her to 4. 4. 4 ADDITIONAL HOPPERS.

4 "By attorneys, Everroad Cooper, Louis J. Weiser, administrator of the estate of Mary L. Veach, has filed suit in circuit court against Ed S. Veach, petition to sell real estate. Gus Fricke, who owned and operated a restaurant on Fourth' street, sold the business today to Mrs.

Maud Wolfe, who took possession of the property at noon. The waters of Alaska contain more primary. May 2. 1823. After a long wait, Gustav buy in the world markets or to set- lf svisi Vt Seluilze satd "Well, I can say joost name Frank McHenry, of Sandcreek tie her many obligations, at a figure Township, as candidate for Commission- acceptable to her creditors.

She has one goot thing, about. Hans: he wasn' always as mean as he was VI U3 1 1111 UIQLl UL. BUUJCVI I.W.bUV looked upon the Unitedi "States as the Kepubllcan; primary. May 2. The University Leader.

one nation with the financial power to work a stabilization of exchange and i COUNTY ASSESSOR ash Leads the World in Motor Car Value The menagerie' in Regent's -park (By Lee Papa) We are authorized to annunce the ante of W. Robertson as a candi London, contains more than 3,000 ani thus save her from further- distress She has never had much reason to be date for the nomination of County As khan10.0 species of food fish. mals. 1 sessor, subject to the Republican Frl- lieve that the American people would iajr befriend her overly much, but she re Ma took me down town yestidday to get me a new pair, of shoes on account of my last new ones looking like old ones alreddy, and we was The Doyle Family Arrives ran we are authorized to announce tneh.j Mftm A Shafmon Mao--- fir. I mc" i man Township, as a candidate for.

the I fair play to bring them into line with wawking along passing' diff rent swell rir the rest of the world and thusjw.ork looking ice creem places, and I wa 92J. directly to her aid by placing their in in AnnnAA In irto Violori rtc in1 KriTiffino" jest thinking of asking ma to take me in one and wondering weather she would if I did, and some big fat lady went past, one of the biggest We are authorized to announce the the weight of her financial condition name or uryan Kouee. as a candidate to bear upon the world situation. fattest ladies I ever saw- and mayb Ject to the Renubllcan nrlmaxv. MaV 2.

However, this country has seen fit the biggest me saying. Holey smoaks A to remain on the outside as an Inter ma, do you think youll ever get that I We are authorised? to ahnounee the ested observer only, and that is most fat? 9ame or.Henry Monroe as a candidate assuredly our right. Our i executives Being a unlucky thing to say on iubjeci have seen no reason for our participa- aeeount of ma wunting enybody to to coumy primaries on May 2. I tion and they are the ones de legated think shes getting fat, and; she sed We are authorized to an on I with the authority to lay out our name of John C. Burns rftnrilHAtAl Thara will Anma.Aiir How can you tawk so silly, enybody heerjng you tawk wouldent think you had proper goodniss sakes sessor of Sandcreek Township, subject of the conference many good things, to the, county primaries on May 2.

for out of eood must come good, and keep quiet if you cant think of eny- thmg intelligent to say. We are authorized to announcn the then, it will be time enough for the is well worthy oi em- phasis that no other American car, iso far as we know, is manufactured in its own plant To the degree that NasK cars are. In exact figures, 93 per cent i of each Nash car begins and is carried through to completion in the great Nash plants. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from to $2,390 o. factory PAMS.S.1E"'S candidate for United Statea to come to a decision Me thinking, Heck, good nite, there aint eny use mentioning ice creem now.

So I dident mention it, saying. inw neyuunco nominauon ior assessor) of Sandcreek Township, subject to the on the matters Involved at Genoa. county primary, on 'May z. I dident meen fat, ma, wat I ment was jest plunp. We are authorfted to announce the Apr V-j 40mL name of O.

P. Ouinn as a candidatA for THE WASTE Of WARFARE. (Cincinnati Enquirer.) All warfare speils waste. The pres- Never mind making it werse, sed ma. And we kepp on wawking and assessor of Rockcreek townshlD.

sub ject to the Republican primary. May 2. all of a suddin who went past but -We are authorized to announce the ent struggle between miners and op- fearse skinnie lady, being even skinnier than wat the other one was fat, name of, Chester A. -Enprle. as a oandi- eratora is industrial warfare.

I It is oate lor Assessor oi isanacreen Township, subject to the Republican pri me quick having a grate ideer saying. Hay ma, do you think youll mary. May Z. ever be that skinnie" estimated by government statiscians that coal strikes cost the country $500,000,000 a year. Of course the public pays.

The cost falls to the innocent The waste is enforced by un- TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE We are authorised to announce the Sutch a question, sed ma laffing as if she thawt it was more of a com name of Dave Marr. as candidate for TruatM of Flat Roek Townnhin. sub pliment than a insult, and as soon a ject to the republican primary. May 2. 1 compromising antagonists.

We ar authorized to announce the we came to the next ice creme-place I sedl Hay riia. Gee Imj thersty, can I have a ice creem soda please? I sippose so, sed ma. Meening yes, and we went in and I had a chocklit ice creem soda with 2 straws and ma had half of a lemmin fossfate and I had the half she left. MASH lie where the fault lies in these struggles. What concerns the public the fact that each recurring strike projects hardships," want and misery into the future, to say nothing of their Immediate effect upon business, industry and all social I It is reported that the suspension of operations in the hard coal fields of Pennsylvania finds 150,000 idle mine name of Augustus.

M. Remy. "as candidate for Trustee of Columbus Township, subject to the. Republican prl-mary. Ma 8.

122. are autnoried to announce the name of William Kiefer. as candidate for Trustee, of Flatroclc Township, sub-lect to the RepubUcan primary. May 2, it2S. --j- we are'anOiorised announce name of Harley Click as candidate for Trustee of Sandcreek Township, subject to the Republican primary.

May X922. We are authorized; to announce the name of George 11. Baumer, as a-candidate for Trustee of Union Township, ubjeot to the Republican primary, Uy 2. workers seeking employment in other industries and thousands of men who Sawin Garage THREE DROWNED IN OHIO. (By Associated Press) Portsmouth, April 12.

Three men wece drowned in the Ohio river when. their boat capsized during a windstorm. A "The only happiness lies in sleep," declared Napoleon Bonaparte, Wm. J. Burns, the detective (right), greeted Conan Doyle, creator off Sherlock Holmes, when be arrived from England to deliver a series ofi flectures on spiritualism.

Sir Arthur Is accompanied by Lady 'Penis. 11; Malcolm Conanj aa Mjaj jyna Consm. 8. nl are not miners also are seeking employment in other industries or, in gome- cases, making arrangements to Phone 688. ssl.ol 536 Jackson St,.

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